Sapphosophy - FILM AND TV LINKS

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The lesbiankamasutra select film and T.V. links. Gay sites that cover film and T.V. news, events and festivals.

Displaying results 6 - 10 of  13

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Dykes Vision
Lesbian love in movies and TV shows. Includes recaps, commentary, and interviews. English and German versions.

Lesben Kino - Dykes Cinema - Lesben Film - Lesbian Movies
Name: Lesben Kino - Dykes Cinema - Lesben Film - Lesbian. Lesben Kino - Dykes Cinema - Lesben Film - Lesbian Movies

An encyclopedia of gay and lesbian culture
An encyclopedia of gay, lesbain, bisexual, transgender, and queer culture. (glbtq) Literature, Arts, and Social Sciences Departments feature more than 1200 entries help showcase the lives of 1000's of glbtq people who have influenced society.

A humorous and personal commentary on life, love, sex and society from the minds of modern day lesbians.

Barbara Hammer
Reviews about Barbara Hammer films; website also includes "Lesbians of the World United in a collective cyberspace biography"..


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