
by Silvia Cuevas-Morales

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Published in Sappho's dreams and delights: The Australian anthology of lesbian poetry. Sydney.

They danced together before dancing. Their eyes met as they moved to music, in someone else's arms...

They danced together before dancing
Their eyes met as they moved to music
in someone else's arms

Eyes stared, silent anger flared
as they took each other into their own arms
Bodies touching slightly hands feeling hands

Hot breath mingling
to the beat of a Latin dance
Early hours of the morning

Couples go home as the band packs up
The woman comes back
Clandestinely they jump into a car

They drive silently into the night
The city streets are empty
as their lips merge running wild

They devour each other's stories
and continue their drive
The misty morning finds them
tired, excited, guilty
for they have strayed in their path

Bodies sore and cold
after sharing a night in a car
As homeless teenagers
sharing their first experience of carnal love

The wedding band on the floor
The windows fogged up
The sun has arisen
They have to part
Each to their own home

Their night is the past
For two married women
can't allow their passion to survive...

Publisher: Published in Sappho's dreams and delights:
The Australian anthology of lesbian poetry. Sydney, Bemac
Publications, 2001
