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Hello Fanny,
How Do You Do?

Is the lesbian kama sutra diagrammatical educational drawing. Visit Auto Sex in Sexions for the 'Journey of Discovery'.

Sapphosophy - PHOTO GALLERY

Welcome to the Sexy Sappho Photo Gallery Links Page, here we credit all other photo images that are found on this site, please browse these LKS recommended links...


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Tampon Love Heart
GAG Barcelona. Photography. Publicity for the magazine Zero.

Get involved with LKS
Lesbian Kama Sutra is for the best lovers interested in sexual exploration. Participate in Lesbian Kama Sutra ...all because lesbian love life matters.

Big Self
Digital art on canvas. By Jane Kayne or next Artisit in Residence.

Prey for Rock and Roll

Prey For Rock & Roll offers an electric, true-to-life portrait of the struggles of a working rock band. Gina Gershon, (Bound) in a formidably strong and sexy performance. Read about Lesbianism in popular cinema

Brazilian Harness
Visit our Wanted page and
send us your strap-on sex tips
for the LKS glossary terms.


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